

More Info

Address: 86 Blackstone Ave.

Jamestown, NY 14701

Phone: 716.665.5410

Fax: 716.665.5152

Business Hours: 8a-4:30p M-F

Sales Team: 

David Reichard – Ext. 2132

[email protected]

Robb Jones –  Ext. 2163

[email protected]

Sales Administrator:

Val Olmstead – Ext. 2134

[email protected]

President/Hiring Manager:

Heather Turner – Ext. 2124

[email protected]





If you’ve got a project or simply questions about sheet metal fabrication, chances are our experts have an answer. We also offer free, 30-minute value engineering consultations to see where your supply chain or design specifications may need cleaning up. Let us know how you found us.

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